A Warrior Scholar Speaks:
Yurugu, the beings (‘people’ being an identity they have never deserved) who are our primary focus, are really quite easy to understand. Three interrelated factors reveal all a warrior needs to begin grasping a necessary solution to our problem.
First, even a limited historical observation tells us that they cannot allow any of the people they have conquered and destroyed, or are otherwise being destroyed through subassimilation into their societies, to be themselves. These insecure beings cannot permit this even in others’ own spaces because of their psychopathic fear of others waking up to what has been done, and is being done to them, and the power that they have been forced to hide from themselves. Yurugu knows that their victims’ awakening will surely cause them to lose their ill-gotten, undeserved privilege in this world. Add to this fact that they consider all spaces theirs, and we can more fully understand this mentality.
The second factor is that they cannot allow any people to operate independent of them. Their supremacist-imperialist desire and racist arrogance cannot allow them to conceive of a world where other people exist in sovereignty beyond their control or manipulation. The insatiable greed and incessantly nagging insecurities, born in the caves in which they discovered themselves, make the idea of anyone living on the planet outside of their authority and validation unthinkable. In their warped, childish imaginations, no reality that they exist in can operate efficiently without them being in the position of absolute and total domination over everyone else.
The third factor is that we cannot be our Afrikan selves within european culture and society. To be Afrikan requires us to be everything that their world cannot allow because it is violently anti-Afrikan to its core. And it is not possible to change it into something more receptive to differences in worldview and interpretation of reality. It is incapable of tolerating difference. In these three facts lie the warrior’s only reasonable line of thinking and choice. For,
(1) if europeans cannot allow anyone to be themselves in their space,
(2) if they cannot allow anyone to exist outside their sphere of power and
(3) if we cannot be who we naturally are within their space, then we really do not have any choices if we are to be free.
If we are to be Afrikan in the world as it is (an impossibility for us in european space, and europeans consider all spaces theirs), if we are to be our natural selves, if we are to become a liberated, empowered, sovereign people, we only have the choices of removing them (permanently or through secured isolation) or removing ourselves (permanently or through secured isolation). Nothing less will permit us to be Afrikan.